Easily give to Cup Church

Download the Tithe.ly giving app or click the "Give Online" button to give.
Your gift is safe/secure and goes directly to Cup Church.
Plus, you'll be able to track all your gifts, setup recurring, and more!
App Store
Google Play Store
Google Play Store

Give Today!

Tithe.ly is an online giving tool that makes it simple to give to Cup Church.
Give securely from any where at any time. 

Or you can mail directly to:

ATTN: Church Office
Cup Church
530 Blackhawk Rd, Beaver Falls, PA 15010

Click HERE for "SHINE SPRING 2025" / "KID's NIGHT OUT" / "VBS 2025" Info/Registration

Click HERE for SHINE SPRING SEMESTER Info/Registration.

Click HERE for "KID's NIGHT OUT" Info/Registration.

Click HERE for "VBS 2025" Info/Registration.