Sunday Service 6-30-2024

This week, Pastor Marc shares his sermon, titled: "Sealed by the Spirit"

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


"We believe and confess that Jesus Christ, who is the end of the law, hath made an end, by the shedding of His blood, of all other sheddings of blood which men could or would make as a propitiation or satisfaction for sin; and that He, having abolished circumcision, which was done with blood, hath instituted the sacrament of baptism instead thereof, by which we are received into the Church of God, and separated from all other people and strange religions, that we may wholly belong to Him whose ensign and banner we bear, and which serves as a testimony unto us that He will forever be our gracious God and Father."

~ Belgic Confession, Article 34 on Holy Baptism

Sunday Service 6-30-2024

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Sunday Service 6-23-2024

This week, Guest Speaker Matt Nance, Tiger Pause Ministries, shares his sermon, titled: "Why We Need Men"

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


"He calls the church to cry to God for the presence of God’s Spirit among us in order to fulfill their mission."

~ Martyn-Lloyd Jones

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Sunday Service 6-16-2024


This week, Brian O'Roark, Ruling Elder, shares his sermon, titled: "I've Got A Confession"

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


“Blessed is the father who shares his heart, lives his faith, gives his time and loves his family."

~ Proverbs 20:7 ESV

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Sunday Service 6-9-2024

This week, Pastor Marc shares his sermon, titled: "Sharing Your Faith"

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


"Missions is not the ‘ministry of choice’ for a few hyperactive Christians in the church. Missions is the purpose of the church."

~ Unknown

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