Why do they call it 'Spy Wednesday?' Perhaps we can use it to sneak up and slay some of our persistent sins. Join me for a look at Matthew 26 and Judas' betrayal of Jesus, as well as some of the ways we are - knowingly or unknowingly - causing grief to the heart of our Savior. Without a recognition of our complicit guilt, it is impossible to appreciate God's offer of imputed grace through Jesus.
Also: how hip-hop, as well as classical music, can be well suited to help us face our 'junk.'
Music today: John Sanders, 'The Reproaches' and Beautiful Eulogy, 'Messiah' Sanders mixes 15th century plainsong, 20th century harmony, and devastating words. https://youtu.be/scc7Lq7RE-o
Devotional - April 8, 2020
The Lyrics:
O my people, what have I done to you? How have I offended you? Answer me!
I led you out of Egypt, from slavery to freedom, but you led your Saviour to the cross.
O my people, what have I done to you? How have I offended you? Answer me!
Holy is God! Holy and strong! Holy immortal One, have mercy on us.
For forty years I led you safely through the desert. I fed you with manna from heaven, and brought you to a land of plenty; but you led your Saviour to the cross.
Holy is God! Holy and strong! Holy immortal One, have mercy on us.
What more could I have done for you? I planted you as my fairest vine, but you yielded only bitterness: when I was thirsty you gave me vinegar to drink, and you pierced your Saviour's side with a lance.
Holy is God! Holy and strong! Holy immortal One, have mercy on us.
I opened the sea before you, but you opened my side with a spear. I led you on your way in a pillar of cloud, but you led me to Pilate's court.
O my people, what have I done to you? How have I offended you? Answer me!
I bore you up with manna in the desert, but you struck me down and scourged me. I gave you saving water from the rock, but you gave me gall and vinegar to drink.
O my people, what have I done to you? How have I offended you? Answer me!
I gave you a royal sceptre, but you gave me a crown of thorns. I raised you to the height of majesty, but you have raised me high on a cross.
O my people, what have I done to you? How have I offended you? Answer me!
Composer: John Sanders (1933-2003) Beautiful Eulogy, 'Messiah' can be found here: https://youtu.be/jSbPuNulyfo
Finally, I found a clean version of Kendrick Lamar's 'Sing About Me, I'm Dying of Thirst.' Like Sanders, this is over 10 minutes long, but I also find this to be incredibly powerful: https://youtu.be/1dxuG02iYTc
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