'By his wounds we are healed.' (Isaiah 53:5) Jesus taking on our sin is the glorious, mysterious grace of God on Good Friday. Artists and composers have sought to portray the significance and power of this for centuries.
Today's art: The Isenheim Alterpiece, crucifixion panel https://www.google.com/search?q=Isenheim+altarpiece+crucifixion&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj0yNmKst7oAhXtlXIEHd56BlAQ_AUoAXoECB0QAw&biw=1353&bih=742&fbclid=IwAR1DkWEaOUi68FyBzNg2xlVeBTeAoMRko75g_1kJuGjQv_jLUuVhpG9ANuc#imgrc=07JI4GnHYzSQoM
Rembrandt, The Raising of the Cross (1633) http://samluce.com/2019/04/rembrandt-and-the-cross-of-christ/?fbclid=IwAR2_4nlVQBcxroSjrJiKpTqkDcUpbO6wHMCSFD-eWjYNkDFxE7QUC5pPoKE
Today's music: John Davis, 'The Kind of Heart' https://youtu.be/toFMJIRtUW4
Jars of Clay, 'Liquid' https://youtu.be/YxWA_EnoIA8
Knut Nystedt: 'O Crux' https://youtu.be/Z-GhX2jG_Q4
Latin lyrics and translation: O Crux, splendidior cunctis astris, mundo celebris, hominibus multum amabilis, sanctior universis; que sola fuisti digna portare talentum mundi: dulce lignum, dulces clavos, dulcia ferens pondera salva presentem catervam, in tuis hodie laudibus congregatam.
O Cross, more radiant than all the stars, honoured throughout the world, beloved of the people, holier than all things, which alone was found worthy to bear the light of the world: blessed wood, blessed nails, blest the weight you bore: save your flock assembled here to praise you. (Venantius Fortunas 530-606 AD)
African-American spiritual: 'Were You There?', Kathleen Battle https://youtu.be/-Pt-boEUaAU
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