Devotional – April 29, 2020

'Your brain on anxiety.' Are you in need of an antidote to those persistent voices about worries you can't control?
Our faith provides powerful medicine, and it may be best applied through a 'prayer of the heart.' Join me and Hebrews 11:1 for a few minutes to learn more!

Devotional - April 29, 2020

Music today: 'A Love Supreme: Acknowledgement', John Coltrane. The singing portion comes around the 6:00 mark.
The phrase runs through major and minor keys, as if God's love carries us in all of life's situations. It's worth looking for Coltrane's liner notes and love poem to God that he released with this album, the only time he included written material with his music.

Taize: 'Jesus, Remember Me'

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Devotional – April 27, 2020

Want something filling from God's word? Join me for the 'Great Scottish Scripture Show.' While I can't provide the charm of Mary Berry, Psalm 1 with the S.P.E.C.K. ingredients list provides one basic way to pay attention to and apply the Bible.

Devotional - April 27, 2020

Music Today: Caroline Cobb, 'There Is a Mountain'
'There is a mountain only the lame can climb.' Welcome to God's kingdom in Scripture!

Maurice Ravel, String Quartet in F Major, 2nd Movement
Sunny pick-me-up with plenty of pizzazz.

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Devotional – April 23, 2020

Scripture vs. Sloth: How do we build a defense against 'the Noonday demon' that can suck day after day away from us? Some simple ideas to engage Scripture and the Holy Spirit in a daily 'quiet time' with some possible resources to start, including Psalm 119:105-112. Feel free to add your own comments of 'starter' resources for time with God in Scripture you've found helpful.

Music today: Audio Adrenaline, 'Speak to Me'
A beautiful appeal for God's word to heal a hurting man.

Mindy Smith, 'Come to Jesus'. An adult lullaby.
This video was made in 2009, but certainly feels a bit
like a young woman facing a pandemic lockdown!

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