This week Pastor Scott begins his new series on Job with a sermon titled "Job in the time of COVID"
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This week Pastor Scott begins his new series on Job with a sermon titled "Job in the time of COVID"
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Scripture vs. Sloth: How do we build a defense against 'the Noonday demon' that can suck day after day away from us? Some simple ideas to engage Scripture and the Holy Spirit in a daily 'quiet time' with some possible resources to start, including Psalm 119:105-112. Feel free to add your own comments of 'starter' resources for time with God in Scripture you've found helpful.
Music today: Audio Adrenaline, 'Speak to Me'
A beautiful appeal for God's word to heal a hurting man.
Mindy Smith, 'Come to Jesus'. An adult lullaby.
This video was made in 2009, but certainly feels a bit
like a young woman facing a pandemic lockdown!
Getting better at any activity - or relationship - requires these two qualities. You've gotta take some time with me and Revelation 3:15-21 to learn more 😏
Music today: Death Cab for Cutie,
'I Will Possess Your Heart'
Brian Doerkson, 'Light the Fire Again'
This week Pastor Scott concludes his Series on the "I Am" Statements of Jesus with a sermon titled, 'Blood Brothers'.
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Hope in Dystopia. Over the next several posts, we'll look for 'medicine' to help fight viruses of the spirit. Let's take 5 minutes with Romans 5:1-4.
Music today: 'Carry the Fire,' Andrew Peterson