Devotional – April 6, 2020

Monday of Holy Week, 2020: What annoys Jesus is far more significant than what annoys me, thankfully! Join me for 8 minutes with Mark 11:15-19, Jesus' cleansing of the temple. How was it viewed? Why is it so important? Music for today: 'Christe Eleison' (Christ have mercy) from JS Bach, B Minor Mass

and Andrew Peterson, 'The Cornerstone.'

Devotional - April 6, 2020

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Palm Sunday Service 4/5/2020

This Palm Sunday, Pastor Scott continued his Lenten Series on the "I Am" Statements of Jesus with a sermon titled, '‘I Am the Resurrection and the Life’'.

Series: The ‘I Am’ Statements of Jesus
‘I Am the Resurrection and the Life’

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Devotional – April 4, 2020

How does a 'middle-age' white presbyterian make friends with a group of black teenage girls? A shared appreciation for Fred Hammond, of course! 3 minutes with Romans 8:26-27, and how sometimes the best prayers (and songs!) are when you get past the words. Today's song: 'You are the Living Word', Fred Hammond Let's go to church!

Devotional - April 4, 2020

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Devotional – April 3, 2020

Three piece suit on the outside. Track suit on the inside. Ever have one of those days? Take a few minutes with Psalm 100 and 102 to consider our moods and worship. Our song today: 'Enter His Courts' by Ashley Cleveland. From her album, 'Lesson of Love', one of my all time favorites. If you like rock, blues, and gospel, you will love this!

*p.s. for Cup church: neither funeral was for a member; nor were either COVID-19 related. Life (and death) is still happening outside of that, believe it or not.

Devotional - April 3, 2020

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Devotional – April 1, 2020

'Some have greatness thrust upon them.' Let's take a moment to be grateful for those on the front lines who are stepping into important and courageous work even when they weren't expecting such a role. A few minutes with Queen Esther and her transformation in 4:14-17. Perhaps you or I will also have a part to play 'for such a time as this.'

Today's music: Elgar's Cello Concerto, first movement. An amazing and unexpected swan song from this composer following his wife's death and the devastation of WWI, created a masterpiece largely unappreciated until a 13 year virtuoso named Jaqueline du Pre 'discovered' it and transformed our understanding of it. (She's 21 in this recording; she was only able to perform until 28 due to MS, from which she passed in her early 40s. She was married to the conductor of this performance, Daniel Barenboim.)

Devotional - April 1, 2020

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