Get to Know Cup Church Leaders and Staff
Cindy has served in many roles over the years at Cup church, but who would she serve dinner to in her 'dream guest list' from history?
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Get to Know Cup Church Leaders and Staff
Cindy has served in many roles over the years at Cup church, but who would she serve dinner to in her 'dream guest list' from history?
Get to Know Cup Church Leaders and Staff
Judy and her husband Bob have been a part of the Cup family for decades. She has some great stories to share, including the most unusual order she ever received as a seamstress. Don't miss it!
This week Pastor Scott continues his series on Job with a sermon titled
"God from the Whirlwind"
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One or two GOOD things have come out of the pandemic. One is cleaner air. Another may be clearing the spiritual air to spot one of the most insidious vices of the human heart. Let's look at Luke 12:13-15 and one of my favorite verses, Luke 17:32.
Music Today: Caedmon's Call, 'This World'
'This world has nothing for me, and this world has everything/
all that I could want/and nothing that I need.'
Bob Dylan, 'Blind Willie Mctell'
'Seen the arrow on the doorpost/saying, 'this land is condemned, all the way from New Orleans, to Jerusalem. . . '
'Well, God is in his heaven/and we all want what's His
but power and greed and corruptible seed/seem to be all that there is/ I'm gazing out the window of the St. James motel/and I know no one can sing the blues like blind Willie McTell.'
Geeking out over Dylan lyrics can be a full time hobby, but let me just offer this one - in a song dealing with greed and slavery, the lessons we learn from living with the book of James (St. James motel?) are very applicable.