Get to know Jenn (Secretary)

Get to Know Cup Church Leaders and Staff

Get to know Jenn (Secretary)

Jenn is our newest staff member, and brings a kind and thoughtful flair to Cup's office. Learn how she came to faith in Christ, as well as who from history she'd bring along on vacation!

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Devotional – May 4, 2020

What can a puppy teach us about our relationship with God? Join me (and little Schubert) for a few minutes with Psalm 131 and finding our sufficiency in God.

Devotional - May 4, 2020

Music today: Josh Garrels, 'Zion and Babylon'. The first half of the song describes the mindset of 'Babylon': the secular world. The second the mindset of Zion: a very different approach that finds its hope in God rather than material power.

Also: Vladimir Horowitz, 'Traumerei (Dreaming)' Live in Moscow, 1986. One of the most peaceful, hopeful pieces I know, played by a Russian exile back in Moscow in the latter stages of the Cold War. I believe meditating on the reality of the Lord's love in the midst of our broken world looks something like what we see on the faces of this audience.

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Devotional – April 29, 2020

'Your brain on anxiety.' Are you in need of an antidote to those persistent voices about worries you can't control?
Our faith provides powerful medicine, and it may be best applied through a 'prayer of the heart.' Join me and Hebrews 11:1 for a few minutes to learn more!

Devotional - April 29, 2020

Music today: 'A Love Supreme: Acknowledgement', John Coltrane. The singing portion comes around the 6:00 mark.
The phrase runs through major and minor keys, as if God's love carries us in all of life's situations. It's worth looking for Coltrane's liner notes and love poem to God that he released with this album, the only time he included written material with his music.

Taize: 'Jesus, Remember Me'

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