Devotional – Nov 3, 2020

John's 'Christmas Card' is a mash-up of Halloween horror with godly pyrotechnics. A 'silent night' also brings about war in heaven! Join me for a few minutes with Revelation 12 and what Christmas Revelation-style means for our church today.

Devotional - Nov 3, 2020

Music: 'This Little Babe' from 'A Ceremony of Carols' by Benjamin Britten. The lyrics are from sixteenth century poet Robert Southwell. A children's choir and harp are the perfect setting for God's ambush of Satan through the incarnation. I sang this in a boys' choir many years ago, and it is devilishly (lol) difficult.

This little Babe so few days old
is come to rifle Satan's fold;
all hell doth at his presence quake
though he himself for cold do shake;
for in this weak unarmèd wise
the gates of hell he will surprise.
With tears he fights and wins the field,
his naked breast stands for a shield;
his battering shot are babish cries,
his arrows looks of weeping eyes,
his martial ensigns Cold and Need
and feeble Flesh his warrior's steed.
His camp is pitchèd in a stall,
his bulwark but a broken wall;
the crib his trench, haystacks his stakes;
of shepherds he his muster makes;
and thus, as sure his foe to wound,
the angels' trump alarum sound.
My soul, with Christ join thou in fight,
stick to the tents that he hath pight.
Within his crib is surest ward,
this little Babe will be thy guard.
If thou wilt foil thy foes with joy,
then flit not from this heavenly Boy.

'Let It Be So' - Southeast EngineThis is a band that started in my hometown of Dayton, OH. It's too bad that they're no longer around - this album 'Wheel within a Wheel' is fantastic, and closes with this song, which contrasts a relationship with God with something approaching the horrible beasts of Daniel and Revelation. Recognizing the beauty of Christ against the technological terror of the beast is one way to stay faithful in the face of hardship and persecution.

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Sunday Service 11-1-2020

This week Pastor Scott brings his Communion Meditation titled: "Christians and Kings"

Sunday Service is now live streaming @ 10:30 am!
(see our latest COVID Update for more info regarding masks, seating, etc.)

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: CupEPChurch

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Devotional – Oct 28, 2020

Revelation 11 has more action and plot twists than 'Avengers End Game', with even higher stakes! We find that the faithful church has incredible 'super powers' and fights deadly villains, but only if they follow some simple, yet unpopular ways. Pre-election 2020 is as good a time as any to take a closer look. (For the Old Testament background on this dizzying chapter, Zechariah, Daniel, and Ezekiel provide the 'prequel.')

Devotional - Oct 28, 2020

Music Today: 'The Resistance' by Josh GarrelsGarrels released this in 2011, but the challenges of living for God in modern culture are still very true regardless of which party is in the White House.

'Hallelujah Chorus' by George Frederick Handel (1741)Far and away the best known music to draw directly from Revelation. Much of this is from chapter 19, but there is also this from 11:15 - 'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord, of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever.'As I've said earlier, Handel wrote this during the height of the Age of the Enlightenment, and the Christian faith was ridiculed and attacked in influential circles across Europe, considered a relic of a pre-scientific age. I think the composer would love that this piece has brought hope and joy to so many in the public square even today - in a modern food court!

What is the Matrix?Now over 20 years old(!), and followed by two very disappointing sequels, this movie still provides a fascinating analogy for following Jesus in a post-Christian world. Take a look at Ephesians 2:1-10, 6:10-20 as our two witnesses try to cross the street and dodge the 'woman' in the red dress.

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Sunday Service 10-25-2020

This week Pastor Scott continues his Series: Proverbs for 2020 with his sermon titled: "Security Blanket"

Sunday Service is now live streaming @ 10:30 am!
(see our latest COVID Update for more info regarding masks, seating, etc.)

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: CupEPChurch

Live Stream Video Link:


Easy Online Giving:
(click button below or search for "" in your mobile app store!)

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