Hitler stole it. Napoleon stole it. At least 5 others stole it as well, but had it slip through their fingers. Yet it landed in the lap of a janitor in Washington D.C., and it's within your reach as well. Join me for 4 minutes with Revelation 5.
Artwork Today: 'Adoration of the Mystic Lamb', Jan Van Eyck (1424-32). The amazing lifelike detail coupled with the supernatural power of the scene is a powerful meditation on the reality of God's offer of redemption to people like you and me. Perhaps the greatest painting European culture ever produced. (Not a huge fan of the piano 'jazz lite' accompaniment, but they do a nice job pointing things out in the painting. The part about the lamb comes about halfway through video 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udgNvPpDb2I...
'Throne of the Third Heaven,' James Hampton (1950-64). I had a chance to see this at the Smithsonian, where it's been on permanent display for years. There are a number of videos on this, but the bottom (top?) line of this overwhelmingly imaginative work of devotion to God are the words over it all: "FEAR NOT". https://psmag.com/.../cracking-code-james-hamptons...
Music Today: "Revelation Song", Kari JobeThe first time I heard this song was in Honduras, as a part of evangelistic mission trip with our High Schoolers and feeling quite far from home. Afterward, I realized 'home' was very near indeed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FrhDJa3XCM
One of the greatest comeback stories in musical history finished with this glorious vision that comes through - and in spite of! - a group of all-too-human but Christ-loved churches. If you're worried about the political future of our country, take 6 minutes with me and Revelation 4.
Music today: 'Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain' from George Handel's 'Messiah'. Something I didn't mention is that despite his financial plight, Handel donated the proceeds of his very successful initial performance of 'Messiah' to free 140 people from debtor's prison. God has been using this music in similar ways ever since. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZoxsWl7-XA