Devotional – Jan 21, 2021

Apparently there's a 'color of the year.' If 2021 had a word of the year, what would it be? Join me as we begin an exploration of anxiety, and how God and his Scripture can lead us from anxiety to hope.

Application: Paul Tautges, pastor and counselor, in his devotional 'Anxiety - Knowing God's Peace' suggests making a 'care list' - all those things that weigh on our minds and hearts - and turning it into our 'prayer list.' A good, practical idea!

Devotional - Jan 21, 2021


Music Today: 'The Road, the Rocks, and the Weeds', John Mark McMillan. One of last year's finest CCM songs, this is one of the few I know that draws on the Parable of the Sower and points us to the One who is able to walk through the thicket of cares to reach us.

'A Million Stars', IonaThis Scottish band produced a number of classic albums, my favorite being 'An Open Sky', based on the life and ministry of Columba. My favorite music for late night driving, and a reminder of God's peace.

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Sunday Service 1-17-2021

This week Pastor Scott continues his Series: 1 John - Walking in the Light and Love with his Sermon titled: "How to Know You're a Christian"

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am!
(see our latest COVID Update for more info regarding masks, seating, etc.)

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: CupEPChurch

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Devotional – Jan 11, 2021

Jesus has dozens of titles through Scripture. What is the very last one he uses? Join me for a few minutes as I wrap up our devotional series on the Book of Revelation.

Devotional - Jan 11, 2021

Music Today: The Afters, 'Wait'

JS Bach, 'Dona Nobis Pacem' (Grant Us Peace), B Minor MassJust as Jesus recapitulates some of his titles at the end of Revelation, so Bach brings back this melody to complete what I believe is the greatest musical composition in history. The melody has a combination of strength and joy that I find incredibly beautiful.

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Sunday Service 1-10-2021

This week Pastor Scott continues his Series: 1 John - Walking in the Light and Love with his Communion Meditation titled: "God's Radiation Treatment"

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am!
(see our latest COVID Update for more info regarding masks, seating, etc.)

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: CupEPChurch

Live Stream Video Link:


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