Sunday Service 4-23-2023


This week Pastor Marc continues the Series: "The Missio Dei (The Mission of God)" with his Sermon titled, ‘The Fall’

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


"The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible."

~ Dwight L. Moody


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Get to Know Pastor Marc (Transitional Pastor)

Get to Know Cup Church Leaders and Staff
Get to know Pastor Marc (Transitional Pastor)

Rev. Marc Shefelton has served as a pastor in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church since 2015, serving as a transitional pastor since 2019. He served as the Chairman of the Rivers and Lakes Presbytery's Church Development Committee from 2018-2019 (now called the Church Health Committee). He is currently working on a Doctor of Ministry in Church Vitality from Erskine Theological Seminary. Marc graduated from Ashland Theological Seminary in 2014 with a Master's Degree in Divinity. Marc is blessed to be married to Kimberly Shefelton, and they have a dog named Benji. Marc enjoys line dancing, reading, video games, and coffee.

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Sunday Service 4-16-2023

This week Pastor Marc begins the Series: "The Missio Dei (The Mission of God)" with his Sermon titled, ‘Creation’

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


"This planet is more than just a stopover on your way to heaven. It is your final destination. God wants you to enjoy your earthly existence, and to think otherwise is to miss the life he intends for you."

~ Michael Wittmer


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