Our worship combines the best of hymns and creeds written hundreds of years ago with contemporary praise songs and prayer.  We use organ and drums, guitars and violins in our praise.  Our goal is to give God glory and honor together; as we do, our lives and hearts are reshaped into His image.

Our fellowship includes prayer and Bible study groups for men, women, and mixed groups.  As we gather around God’s word, talk about our lives in the light of that word, and pray for each other, we become strengthened to bless others as we’ve been blessed.

God’s relationship to the world is one of reconciliation and love. (2 Corinthians 5:21, John 3:16)  Our goal is to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to see the world as our neighborhood.  Cup is engaged in several ministries in our neighborhood to children, seniors, and the physically and spiritually needy both inside and outside our church building.  We also engage in annual mission trips, and have an exciting relationship with the village of Fintonia in the West African nation of Sierra Leone, where we are providing education, well water, and the gospel message where it has never been heard before.

Click HERE for "SHINE SPRING 2025" / "KID's NIGHT OUT" / "VBS 2025" Info/Registration

Click HERE for SHINE SPRING SEMESTER Info/Registration.

Click HERE for "KID's NIGHT OUT" Info/Registration.

Click HERE for "VBS 2025" Info/Registration.