Devotional – Feb 23, 2021

Few experiences can top physical suffering for unleashing anxiety in our hearts and minds. Yet even here the gospel can provide a full and rich hope. Join me for a few minutes in 2 Corinthians 4:7 and following.

Devotional - Feb 23, 2021


Music Today:
"I Shall Not Want," Audrey Assad

"Deep River," Lorraine Hunt Lieberson
African-American spirituals can provide powerful relief in the midst of all kinds of suffering. It may seem a little strange to provide an example of this song of hope in the face of death from a white mezzo-soprano, but Lieberson had an incredible voice before her life was cut short by cancer in her early 50s.

"It is Well With My Soul,"
Chris RiceIf I had only one recording to help me through a tough bout of physical illness, it would be Rice's collection of hymns. Nothing complicated here, he puts the focus on the lyrics - real 'comfort food' for the ears and soul.

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Devotional – Feb 17, 2021

It's one thing to consider what other people think about us; what happens when we look in the mirror? And is the man (or woman) in the mirror the best judge of who I am? Let's take a few minutes with 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 and the only courtroom - and verdict - that matter.

Devotional - Feb 17, 2021


Music Today: 'You Say,' Lauren Daigle

'Piece of Glass', Caedmon's Call
Our view of self can become distorted like a nightmare in a funhouse. Danielle Young from Caedmon's Call sings of the struggle of anorexia, but this can fit all kinds of lies that the devil and the culture can cause us to believe when we look in the mirror. The studio version of this song has a brilliant close harmony on the final verse that brings chills, even as it reminds of our inability to accurately judge ourselves.

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Devotional – Feb 14, 2021

What is the #1 producer of anxiety? For many of us, it's our relationships. What do other people think about me? What if they really knew the great stuff? What if they knew the TERRIBLE stuff? Let's spend a few minutes with Isaiah 49 and my High School year book this Valentine's Day.

Devotional - Feb 14, 2021


Music Today: "Love Song", Third Day
All kinds of promises are made in pop songs when it comes to love. This offers a look at the promises God delivers on out of His love for us.

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Devotional – Feb 10, 2021

A death bed pastoral call reveals a problem many wrestle with: is what I've done in the past too much for God to forgive? Do I need to add something to make myself acceptable? Let's take a few minutes together with Psalm 130 and Hebrews 10:11-14.

Devotional - Feb 10, 2021


Music Today: Audio Adrenaline, 'Ocean Floor'
Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance?

He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love.

He will again have compassion on us; he will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.
-- Micah 7:18-19

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Devotional – Feb 1, 2021

Anxiety can stalk us in many forms. PTSD is a form of past anxieties hurting us in the present. The Apostle Paul knew more than a little about this, and wasn't afraid to admit it. Why not?

Join me for a few minutes with 2 Corinthians 11 and 12, with a dark alley side trip to Psalm 88.

Devotional - Feb 1, 2021


Post Script: If you are dealing with significant trauma from your past, I encourage you to explore Christian counseling, as well as prayer ministry. The community of faith at its best is equipped to walk with you.

Music Today: 'Lord of the Past', Bob Bennett
Even if you don't take the time for what I have to say here, you owe it to yourself to take this song/prayer in. A phenomenal reflection on our need for healing from wounds in our past and Jesus' ability to deliver us.

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