Sunday Service 6-25-2023

This week, Guest Speaker, shares his Sermon titled, ‘Take My Life and Let It Be’’

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


"Jesus's resurrection is the beginning of God's new project not to snatch people away from earth to heaven but to colonize earth with the life of heaven."

~ N.T. Wright


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Sunday Service 6-18-2023


This week, Wade Rider shares his Sermon titled, ‘The Perfect Father’’

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


“It is not so much the case that God has a mission for his church in the world, as that God has a church for his mission in the world. Mission was not made for the church; the church was made for mission – God’s mission."

~ Christopher J.H. Wright


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Sunday Service 6-11-2023

This week Pastor Marc continues the Series: "How Long, Oh Lord?" with his Sermon titled, The End of Suffering’

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


"Christ entered entirely into our sadness, our sickness, our affliction, our weariness, our suffering, our death. Yet he lives, and will set all things to right."

~ Tish Harrison Warren


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Sunday Service 6-4-2023


This week Pastor Marc continues the Series: "How Long, Oh Lord?" with his Communion Meditation titled, ‘Asking God’

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for a future that only He can see.

~ Corrie ten Boom


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Sunday Service 5-28-2023


This week Pastor Marc begins the Series: "How Long, Oh Lord?" with his Sermon titled, ‘Lament’

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch

Preparation in Silence:

"Every prayer I have ever prayed, from the most faithful to the least, has been in part a confession uttered in the Gospel of Mark: 'I believe; help my unbelief." (Mark 9:24)

~ Tish Harrison Warren


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