Sunday Service 8-18-2024

This week, Pastor Marc continues the Series: "Summer in the Psalms" with his Sermon titled, "From Mourning to Dancing"

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.

Be sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click on the "Bell" to get notified when we "Go Live" or post a video! Look for: @CupEPChurch


"God’s ‘alien’ works are these: to judge, to condemn, and to punish those who are impenitent and do not believe. God is compelled to resort to such ‘alien’ works and to call them His own because of our pride. By manifesting these works He aims to humble us that we might regard Him as our Lord and obey His will.”

~ Martin Luther

*Apologies for the technical issues during the Live Stream. Video is now available on YouTube for viewing.*

Sunday Service 8-18-2024

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