Sunday Service 4-24-2022

This week Pastor Scott begins his Series: Colossians – The Adventure of Living in Christ' with his Sermon titled, "Two by Two"

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.
(see our latest COVID Update for more info regarding masks, seating, etc.)

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We don’t love people so they will believe what we believe. Many people we love and serve won’t ever believe; that’s understandable. We just love our neighbors. That’s it.

And as we love them, from time to time, we will talk to them about what is most important in our lives. We don’t just share the toys we have or the hobbies we enjoy. We share about the deeper parts of our heart. When we love Jesus, we share that with others because we love them. We love them enough to share the vulnerable parts of our life, and that includes our faith in Jesus.

~ Jay Pathak and Dave Ruyon, The Art of Neighboring


@ 7PM - The SHINE Program presents:

Arkeology: Remembering God’s Plan & Promise


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