Sunday Service 1-9-2022

This week Pastor Scott begins his Series: 'Colossians - The Adventure of Living in Christ' with his Sermon titled: "Gift Box From the Cosmic King"

Sunday Service in sanctuary and live streaming @ 10:30 am.
(see our latest COVID Update for more info regarding masks, seating, etc.)

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Direct Video Link:

Colossians is about the universe’s deep reality, despite appearances to the contrary. It is worldview shaping, mind expanding and game changing. The stronger our grasp of its message, the greater our open-mouthed astonishment will become. If our first response to the teaching of this letter is not ‘Wow!’ we are missing something. But we can’t stay open-mouthed without falling to our knees. For if Jesus really is the cosmic Lord, then how can we not dedicate every fibre of our being to him and his service?
~ Mark Meynell



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