Devotional – Sept 9, 2021

'A Christian without a church is a Christian in trouble.' Is that actually true in a video-streaming digital world? Join me for a few minutes to see if I can persuade you to come back to in person fellowship using a couple of windows and 1 Corinthians 12:7.

Devotional - Sept 9, 2021


Music Today: Caroline Cobb,

'There is a Table'

There is a mountain only the lame can climb
There is a table, only the hungry find
Only the beggar will have the currency
When need is all you need
There is a victory Only the conquered gain
There is a glory that you get, when give up your name
Oh the peace
When you finally yield your fight
In surrender rise
Come with open hands in need
Come hearts broken, bended knee
A gift can only be received
Come to the mountain
He carries the cripple to the feast
Come to the table
Come sit
He has saved you a seat
And come and eat and drink without money and without a cost
He has paid it on the cross
Come with open hands in need
Come hearts broken, bended knee
A gift can only be received
The King bends low to wash our feet
To give himself as an offering
To lead us home to that wedding feast
We taste it now, at last we'll eat
Of that richest food, oh that well-aged wine
The shroud will lift, our tears he'll dry
Come hungry souls be satisfied
Both now and forever
Come with open hands in need
Come hearts broken, bended knee
A gift can only be received

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