Devotional – Feb 23, 2021

Few experiences can top physical suffering for unleashing anxiety in our hearts and minds. Yet even here the gospel can provide a full and rich hope. Join me for a few minutes in 2 Corinthians 4:7 and following.

Devotional - Feb 23, 2021


Music Today:
"I Shall Not Want," Audrey Assad

"Deep River," Lorraine Hunt Lieberson
African-American spirituals can provide powerful relief in the midst of all kinds of suffering. It may seem a little strange to provide an example of this song of hope in the face of death from a white mezzo-soprano, but Lieberson had an incredible voice before her life was cut short by cancer in her early 50s.

"It is Well With My Soul,"
Chris RiceIf I had only one recording to help me through a tough bout of physical illness, it would be Rice's collection of hymns. Nothing complicated here, he puts the focus on the lyrics - real 'comfort food' for the ears and soul.

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