Devotional – Oct 1, 2020

Hitler stole it. Napoleon stole it. At least 5 others stole it as well, but had it slip through their fingers. Yet it landed in the lap of a janitor in Washington D.C., and it's within your reach as well. Join me for 4 minutes with Revelation 5.

Devotional - Oct 1, 2020

Artwork Today: 'Adoration of the Mystic Lamb', Jan Van Eyck (1424-32). The amazing lifelike detail coupled with the supernatural power of the scene is a powerful meditation on the reality of God's offer of redemption to people like you and me. Perhaps the greatest painting European culture ever produced. (Not a huge fan of the piano 'jazz lite' accompaniment, but they do a nice job pointing things out in the painting. The part about the lamb comes about halfway through video 2.

'Throne of the Third Heaven,' James Hampton (1950-64). I had a chance to see this at the Smithsonian, where it's been on permanent display for years. There are a number of videos on this, but the bottom (top?) line of this overwhelmingly imaginative work of devotion to God are the words over it all: "FEAR NOT".

Music Today: "Revelation Song", Kari JobeThe first time I heard this song was in Honduras, as a part of evangelistic mission trip with our High Schoolers and feeling quite far from home. Afterward, I realized 'home' was very near indeed.

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