Devotional – Sept 18, 2020

We use the phrase 'open door' all the time in our prayers as Christians. Where does that come from? Spend 5 minutes with me - you may find something in common with the little church of Philadelphia in Revelation 3!

Devotional - Sept 18, 2020

Music Today: Pete Townsend, 'Let My Love Open the Door'. While old Pete probably didn't have this mind, these lyrics would be a good fit for Jesus' encouragement to the fearful church of Philadelphia.

Also: 'Light the Fire Again', Brian Doerkson.A praise song from the '80s, it's one of my favorites because it's one of the rarer contemporary songs that calls for personal repentance: 'Naked and poor, wretched and blind I come/ Clothe me in white, so I won't be ashamed.' This is based on Jesus' bracing call to the church in Laodecia.

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