Devotional – March 26, 2020

The accused is completely exasperated; the accusers are angry whiners; the likely outcome for the loser is death. Lockdown day 10? Nope, it's Exodus 17:1-7, one of the most remarkable passages in the OT. Make sure you also look at Paul's take on this in 1 Corinthians 10:4. I was still so annoyed with this morning's illustration about what humanity is like that I forgot to mention it, as well as today's music! Chris Rice, performing August Toplady's classic hymn 'Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee.' I'll mention something about the 'hide myself' portion tomorrow, but a word here about Toplady's call for God to be a 'double cure' from sin: The first cure is from sin's 'guilt' or 'wrath' Jesus pays the penalty of our guilt for breaking God's law. Yet Toplady also wants to be freed from sin's 'power' In other words, we can be forgiven by the blood of Christ, but still remain under the delusion that the goals, behaviors and rewards of this world are worth pursuing over God's ways (see 1 John 2:15-17). The DOUBLE cure is to receive that Christ has the power and desire to lead us into a new way of living as we 'hide ourselves' with him. That's where we're going tomorrow!

For a beautiful quasi-techno take on the hymn, try this:

Devotional - March 26, 2020

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